Weakness, feeling tired or general fatigue marked by reduced strength in your muscles can have many causes.
A cause for weakness can have you feel weak all over or only in one area, limb and single muscle. Your loss can be measurable or without any calculable strength loss.
If weakness is your only noticeable symptom, and you are trying to figure out its cause, this quest of self diagnosis is not often an easy task.
Some symptom instigators of fatigue are enumerated to give you a sense of the challenge. Some of these do have typical accompanying symptoms, which may help you weed them out.
A general immeasurable feeling of tiredness is typically caused by an infectious disease, for example:
Muscle weakness or measurable fatigue can be a symptom of a myriad of conditions, just to name a few:
lung cancer
pinched nerve
relapsing fever
chronic fatigue
multiple sclerosis
myasthenia gravis
Addison’s disease
cerebral/Bell’s palsy
low sodium/potassium
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Becker muscular dystrophy
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
muscular/myotonic dystrophy
insecticide/nerve gas/shellfish poisoning
Self diagnosis in the realm of inexplicable tiredness can be a head scratcher.
You really should pay your doctor a visit if your weakness is:
isolated in one region
prolonged without any explanation
sudden without other symptoms ~ fever
sudden after viral infection ~ common cold
Some things to be helpfully aware of about your fatigue occurrences include:
when began
any pain with it
affect breathing
have any allergies
sudden or gradual
after a vaccination
increase, decrease
worse in a.m. or p.m.
constant or come & go
limited to specific region
following a typical viral illness
worsen after strenuous activity
alter hands, arms, shoulders use
talking, chewing, swallowing problems
anything help in relief ~ rest, food, medication
walking, climbing stairs, sitting, getting up difficulty
Go ahead, write some notes concerning these symptom related topics for a potential future review by a white coat (doctor).
Also, you want to be on the look out for other symptoms in concert with your “drag me down” weak feeling, stuff like:
weight loss
vision changes
skin color changes
numbness, tingling
weakened area feels hot to touch
mental state changes ~ alertness, responsiveness
It is not uncommon for many to go a long time tolerating a perpetual state of tiredness and muscle weakness reasoning that the cause is just life itself. Frankly, your existence shouldn’t be this way.
If you are following a healthy lifestyle consisting of a natural diet and a regular exercise regime, something more may be a cause for weakness beyond the “just life” excuse. And popping dietary supplements by the handfuls does nothing for many fatigue causing conditions.
Get it checked out as a start down your measurable health improvement route.
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